Jan 1, 2007

What Box Tops for Education is All About


I believe in a good education and I want that for my grand daughter. So I am doing this on a volunteer basis to help my grand daughter collect the boxtops for her school. Since there isn't much baking/cooking going on at my house, I'd like to offer you a swap! Your Box Tops for Free scrapbooking items! I have lots of scrapbooking items!

We are collecting the pink and blue "Box Tops for Education" squares on participating grocery items. Participating Brands are Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Old El Paso, Bisquick, Hefty, Ziplock, Cottonelle, Kleenex, Scott, Yoplait, Saran Wrap, Hamburger Helper and Cheerios. And there is a variety of styles of each brand so you have a selection to choose from and still get the box tops. Here is what a "box top" looks like:

Just snip off the pink and blue BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION square from the top, side, back or bottom of the product and save them until you collect enough for your choice of free scrapbooking supplies. I have categories of 10, 15, 20 or 25 box tops and redeemable for free scrapbook supplies for you to choose from.

I currently have some scrapbook embellishments in the 10,15 box tops categories, but check back often. I will be continually adding things as they become available. Join the mailing list and you'll be among the first to know of new additions to the items available.

How Long Does My Offer Last?

This is an ongoing program. No deadlines, time limits or other time restrictions. I'll even take them in the summer when school it out sp she can continue working on this during the summer and have them ready to donate when school starts again! And remember, you'll be scrapbooking in the summer, so it works out for all of us!

Please contact me at scrapbookforboxtops@yahoo.com (my name is Cheri) and let me know that you are sending your box tops and what items you would like. There is usually only one of each item (unless stated otherwise on the item) and items are on a first come, first serve basis. Include in with your box tops YOUR mailing address, your email address and which scrapbook embellishments you'd like. Once I get the box tops, your scrapbooking embellishments will be in the mail to you!

My grand daughter and I thank you so much for your help! We look forward to helping you scrapbook, while you help us, help her and her school!

Here is a brief explanation of the

Participating Brands are Pillsbury,Betty Crocker, Old El Paso, Bisquick, Hefty, Ziplock,Cottonelle, Kleenex, Scott, Yoplait, Saran Wrap, Hamburger Helper, Cheerios. And there is a variety of styles of each brand so you have a selection to choose from and still get the box tops.
"Earn cash for your school through everyday activities: buying groceries, shopping online and making purchases with a credit card. All at no additional cost to you! Clip Box Tops from hundreds of participating brands. Earn up to 8% back for your school when you shop online and 1% every time you use your credit card. With your help and the dedication of your school’s volunteer Box Tops Coordinator, your school can earn up to $60,000 through Box Tops each year. That's as much as $20,000 each from clipping Box Tops, shopping at the Box Tops MarketplaceSM and using the Box Tops Visa® card."

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